The Rwandan Genocide

Aftermath of Rwandan Genocide

After this horrendous event  happened, people didn't consider the Rwandan Genocide a genocide. They say that it was just a civil war with some massacres or a "tribal violence" ("Peace Pledge Union Information Genocide"). How can these people make such a claim? The genocide killed about 800,000 Tutsis within 100 days. In addition, the citizens who experienced this might have a trauma that would hunt them eternally. Most of the survivors were either handicapped, wasn't able to bury their relatives, or both ("Aftermath of the Rwandan Genocide"). A new word was added to the Rwandan vocabulary due to the psychological problems the people had as the result of the genocide. The aftermath of this event wasn't as devastating as during the event, but it was still worth of our attention. 
Leaving behind over 800,00 people killed as part of their scars.